
Сохраненная страница Give yourself permission to write garbage | Chicony software (14 Kb)

In various email correspondences over the past month Ive given this tip to six different people and it seemed to be an epiphany for each oneSo just in case youve forgotten it recently Id like to remind you tooThe human mind is a wonderful little blob Its like one big machine that does nothing but connect the dotsNot only is it capable of connecting and assembling stray and random ideas in ways that those ideas have never been connected before imagination its also capable of connecting related ideas to create a pattern or to make sense of an otherwise confusing situation logicBut for all its strengths that blob gets us into a reasonable amount of trouble tooTake for example your writingHow many times have you sat down and started to write or worse found yourself halfway through a major project when you decided that your work was terrible you ought to be caned for your heresy and that it wouldnt be totally unreasonable if you just never wrote anything ever again
